What's not so New @ FPgaming...
FPgaming and Aureal Private Beta Test | 8/18/98 |
FPgaming and Diamond Multimedia Public Beta Test | 8/17/98 |
Sin Demo Released | 7/26/98 |
Assassin 3D/Panther user Scunion wins Beatdown again. | 7/20/98 |
PC GAMES Reviews the Assassin 3D | 7/20/98 |
Web Site Update | 7/17/98 |
Mad Catz offers $10,000 Cash Prize at the CPL Event | 7/10/98 |
DemoCity USA rates the Panther XL 9 out of 10 points | 6/13/98 |
PlanetQuake's monthly Quake Tournament, won with an Assassin 3D | 6/17/98 |
Web pages updated | 6/2/98 |
C-NET Reviews the Panther XL | 5/20/98 |
Gordan Goble says: "If anyone from Mad Catz
wants their Panther XL back, they're going to have to
come up to Canada and pry it from my cold, dead fingers."
Unreal has been released, pre-configured for the PantherXL | 5/20/98 |
New Web Sites added to Gamer's Corner | 5/18/98 |
FPgaming welcomes a new Project Manager | 4/13/98 |
GameSages: Panther XL Review | 4/13/98 |
PlanetQuake's own Hardware Shop reviews the Panther XL | 3/25/98 |
New FPgaming Web Site | 3/18/98 |
FPgaming releases information on the Cobra | 3/9/98 |
Mysteries of the Sith Demo and Full Version | 2/17/98 |
New Software Packages with support for Windows 98 | 1/21/98 |
Special Aliases and Bindings Package for Quake2 | 1/20/98 |
John Romero tests the PantherXL | 12/17/97 |
Turok: Dinosaur Hunter | 12/11/97 |
Quake 2 hits the streets. | 12/10/97 |
Developer Toolkit Updated | 11/11/97 |
Quake Clan | 11/11/97 |
FPgaming and Mad Catz announce the Panther and Panther XL | 11/6/97 |
Old News format...
FPgaming is pleased to announce the retail launch of it's Assassin 3D controller. Available first at [BEST BUY], the Assassin 3D should be hitting their shelves by early September.
UPDATE: I just got off the phone with a new Assassin user that picked up his Assassin 3D at a Best Buy in Minnesota. !!!! Wow, Our first Retail Sale !!!
I want to give a special Thanks to all of you that signed up for beta testing the new software!!! The testing is going good and I am happy to say that no Major bugs have been found. We should be able to release the final version by the end of next week. Stay Tuned for Details (especially you Duke3D & Redneck Rampage players).
July 22 1997 We here at Fpgaming have provided
built in support for Outlaws by Lucas Arts. Click Here for all the info
you need to get it up and running. Many thanks to the Guys and
Gals over at Lucas Arts for allowing us to create and provide
this update to you.
June 9 1997Outlaws by Lucas Arts works with the Assassin 3D Mouse
emulator program. For the info you need to get it setup Click Here. Many Thanks to Randall Melton for
letting us know this works.
Some of you have asked for a list of all the supported games and how to set them up. Click Here to check it out. If you have a game that you are using the Assassin 3D for, and it is not listed please let us know and we will put your name up in lights.
Many Thanks to Dan Amrich for pointing out that the Assassin 3D Mouse Program works great for Centipede and Missile Command. We also like it for Tempest. All you need to do is have the Assassin 3D mouse Program (AMOUSE.EXE) running when you start the games and check the control options to make sure that you are using the mouse for the controller. If you do not yet have the Assassin 3D Mouse Emulation Program Click Here for all the details.
Well, you've asked for it and you've got it. While we can't get too specific as LucasArts Jedi Knight hasn't been released, we are excited to pass along that the FPgaming Assassin 3D is supported in Jedi Knight at this point in development. Many thanks to Rob and Ray at LucasArts! Keep your eyes peeled for this upcoming megahit.
American McGee of id Software has given FPgamings Assassin 3D controller thumbs up, and his personal endorsement. Citing the Assassin 3D's ability to give players true three-dimensional control in popular 3D action games like Quake. Americans praises, "Play Quake the way it was designed to be played - with the Assassin 3D controller!"
FPgaming is pleased to announce the addition of Chips N Bits to its growing list of retail partners. Customers can now purchase the Assassin 3D controller via Chips N Bits' magazine, catalog, and online stores.
The talk has been that this is one of the best mods out there, I guess that is for you to decide. Click Here and browse the Quake FAQ'S file for setup instructions.
Click here for directions on setting up Ultimate Doom for Windows 95. This is a collection of all the doom levels in one package with a really nice front end that will allow you to start at any level.
Yeah, this week we received some demos from Karri Lehtovuori ( Flagg of Finnish Allied Quakers ) showing what can be done with the Assassin 3D. Click Here to get them while there hot!
Yes, it is finally here. Assassin 3D support on Quake World. Many thanks again to idsoftware and our own James C Barnes for making it work with the Assassin 3D. Click Here for all the details for you to get it up and running.
Thanks to you our customers we have outgrown our current office and moving to a larger suite of offices. Click Here to get our new Address and Phone Numbers.
Here it is, the stuff so many of you have been waiting for WinQuake 1.0 has been released. Many thanks to idsoftware and our own James C Barnes for making it work with the Assassin 3D. Click Here for all the details for you to get it up and running.
Computer Gaming World reviews the FPgaming Assassin 3D
Click here for the full review. Their summary: If you're a hard-core action gamer, you may want to consider the Assassin 3D as a tool of the trade.
Some things are so big, that within hours everyone already knows about it. Well this is one of those. Id Software has released the updated GLQuake (Quake for the 3DFX-based graphics accelerator cards). That's awesome, right? Well, it also includes support for your FPgaming Assassin 3D!
A couple of us spent a good part of the last few days over at 3DFX Interactive playing and we only have one word: SWEET. Well that's not enough -- with the control that the FPgaming Assassin 3D gives you and the beauty that the VOODOO hardware provides, Quake is a totally new experience. Also, watch out for those guys on the net that have names that end in .3DFX. They are all now assassinized -- not a llama in the group. Click here for details to get up and running.
Click here for the full preview. Their summary: This is an absolute must for multiplayer.
Kali has released a new version of Kali95 (software that lets any IPX program operate over the Internet) that contains support for the FPgaming Assassin 3D. Click here for details and instructions. Thanks to Jay Cotton at Kali and Tilden Smith for getting support.
The FPgaming Assassin 3D Mouse utility allows you to use the FPgaming Assassin 3D trackball as your pointing device (cursor controller) under Windows 95. Now you can use your high-precision FPgaming Assassin 3D trackball to give you pixel-by-pixel control. Click here if you would like the beta copy of this utility. Please note; this utility requires that you have installed the Windows 95 driver (see below).
Update: If you have purchased Redneck Rampage, Click Here to get the info you need to Set it up.
If you have always wanted to be Duke Nukem's inbred cousin -- well, now you can! You can download the Redneck Rampage demo from Interplay by going to www.interplay.com/games/redneck.html or just click here. To run Redneck Rampage Demo, just cd to the game directory (c:\redneck\demo by default) and type 'alaunch duke3d redneck.exe'. Enjoy!
Click here for the full review. Their summary: Using the Assassin 3D for circle strafing is a great way to eliminate your opponents.
Windows 95 Quake Support is here!
Thanks to Michael Abrash and John Carmack, FPgaming traveled to id Software last week and enhanced the Windows 95 versions of Quake (WinQuake, QuakeWorld, GLQuake and, potentially, VQuake). Now, advanced controllers (like your FPgaming Assassin 3D) using DirectInput are fully supported. There are a large number of new features; including optional button-controlled freelooking and sensitivity setting of all controls. So, for all of you patient FPgaming Assassin 3D owners, click here to download the beta Windows 95 driver. The new versions of Quake can be obtained from id Software's web site (www.idsoftware.com) as soon as id Software posts them (expectation on their side is within a week).
We are excited to announce two new hires at FPgaming; Ben Brooks III (bbrooks@fpgaming.com) and Vince Savoldi (vsavoldi@fpgaming.com). Ben is our new Marketing Manager and Vince is our new Technical Support Engineer.
Also, we are working feverishly on quite a few software/support items -- look for them to be surfacing soon.
Lastly, we have received 3 more demos for the DOOM II challenge. For those of you that sent them in, hang in there, we will post them. If anybody else wants to get their demo in, now is the time.
By now everybody knows that QuakeWorld has been released. But, according to John Carmack, it doesn't yet support external controllers like the FPgaming Assassin 3D. We haven't received any plans from John, but will keep you posted with any information. Please send id Software a nice message asking them for support, also.
FPgaming and the new Quake clan (the Stomped Clan) have teamed up. The Stomped Clan will be putting the FPgaming Assassin 3D to the true test; competitive death-matching. We are excited to be connected with these Quake addicts and look forward to sharing their gaming experiences with you. Stay tuned in the coming weeks for a section on this web site devoted to them!
Id Software has released V1.06. This official release fixes a bunch of things and supports the FPgaming Assassin 3D. You can get the full shareware version or patches from V1.01 for both the shareware and registered versions from Id Software (www.idsoftware.com). Thank you Id Software!
Quake Support for the FPgaming Assassin 3D!
Id Software has released the beta version of Quake 1.05. Final release according to John Carmack is due within 1 to 2 weeks. Thank you Id Software. This release supports external controllers including the FPgaming Assassin 3D. You now get 100% "free-look" and 100% full movement capability available 100% of the time. It's your unfair monster-slaying and death-matching advantage!
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This page was last updated 06/13/04