Quake 2 Config Package
Here to download the package of files. (fpq2pack.zip
This is a ZIP file and all you need to do is
extract it into your Quake2/Baseq2 folder. Note:
You may want to extract it to a temporary folder so you can check
the files out and then copy them to your Baseq2 folder when
This package contains the following files:
FPreadme.txt: This
is a text file that will help to explain the workings of this
q2joystick.txt: This
is a text file which will help you configure the A3D Product to
your specific tastes.
autoexec.cfg: This
file will automatically execute the other needed files when
Quake2 starts
q2a3d.cfg: This file
will configure Quake2 for your FPgaming A3D Technology Product
aliases.cfg: This
file will give you a place to store all your Quake2 aliases.
bindings.cfg: This
will give you a place to store all your Quake2 bindings.
If you have ANY Questions or Comments about these configs
please direct the email to Webmaster

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This page was last updated 06/13/04