You will need to look at the GAME.INI file, All of the supported games have settings that you can edit to change the speed of the gameplay. These settings are Forward Fast Speed (FFS), Forward Medium Speed (FMS), Sideways Fast Speed (SFS) and Sideways Medium Speed (SMS). These settings can be set from a low number, say 10 which means that you will crawl along real slow, up to the max for each game. You can find a listing of the Max settings for each game on page 57 of the Users Guide. If you have speed toggle button try that to see if you have been playing in a medium speed. To insure that you are always in a fast mode change your SMS and FMS both to the highest number.
As an example let's look at Duke Nukem 3D. In the default DUKE3D.INI file you will see FMS = 40 and FFS = 90. If you change them both to 90 you will be moving at full speed regardless of the speed toggle. You can get more information on these settings by looking at the Button Reconfiguration section.
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